I provide Public Notary services in Cyprus and the notary and certification procedures valid and effective in Cyprus and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus as well as instruments valid and effective in foreign countries are issued and prepared in accordance with the legal system. You just prefer our public notary office for a letter or attorney issued in Cyprus to become valid and effective in Turkey and other countries. All public notary procedures conducted in Cyprus through consulates, can be prepared and issued in our Public Notary Office and we also provide consular services to our clients who request these services from us. Services for issuing birth registration certificates of the Northern Cyprus and citizenship procedures and services for foreigners to purchase properties in the Northern Cyprus are also provided professionally.
1. The person going to a Public Notary Office for a procedure to be conducted should have his/her current Identity Card of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) or the Identity Card of the Republic of Turkey with him/her. Driver’s License, Passport, Parliamentarian Identity, Notary Identity and Attorney Identity can also be used, however in some procedures, Identity Card of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) or the identity card of the country where he/she is a citizen is essential. (Such as the real-estate related procedures to be conducted at land registry offices)
2. The illiterate applicant must apply to the Public Notary Office with his/her Identity Card - Identity Card of the TRNC and two witnesses.
2.1. These witnesses must have the following characteristics.
2.1.1. Older than 18 years’ old.
2.1.2. Literate in Turkish.
2.1.3. No relationship with affinity to the applicant (until the 3rd degree, including the 3rd degree relatives)
3. If, the applicant does not know Turkish, he/she will have a translator with him/her in his/her language. The applicant will firstly apply to the Public Notary for his/her procedures requiring translation and he/she will be directed to the translator with a sworn translator file registered in the concerned Public Notary Office. If, it is not possible to communicate with the applicant in written, if he/she is hearing impaired, speech handicapped or visually impaired, a translator related with his/her disability will be present.
4. The transactions/procedures where it is mandatory to attach photos.
4.1. Letter of Attorney for Vehicle Sales
4.2. Letter of Attorney for Divorce
4.3. Testament
5. The procedures/transactions which must be conducted at land registry offices due to their nature,
5.1. Contracts and letters of attorney.
5.2. Sale on retention of title condition
5.3. Promises for real-estate sales,
5.4. Construction agreements in return for land share
5.5. Settlement deed
5.6. Other death related disposals
It is mandatory to attach the same photos on the copies of transactions/procedures where it is mandatory to attach photos on original copies.